The Team

Laura Dawson
Founder and Advisor
Dr. Laura Dawson has more than twenty five years’ experience providing advice to businesses and government around the world on trade, regulatory, and border issues. Dr. Dawson currently serves as Executive Director of the Future Borders Coalition (FBC). Formerly she was Principal Program Manager (Americas) at Amazon Web Services (AWS) and is a past Director of the Canada Institute at the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington DC. #internationaltrade #borders #thoughtleader

Jeffrey Phillips
Managing Director
Jeff oversees the development and delivery of major research projects for the company and manages client relations. He is an experienced facilitator and communicator, with a passion for building a more sustainable world. Jeff is a Fellow of the Canadian Global Affairs Institute. Prior to joining Dawson Strategic, Jeff worked at Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) as an Advisor in the Deputy Minister’s Office. #sustainability #cleantransportation #facilitation

Jane Humphreys
Jane is an economic policy consultant, skilled in sustainable and inclusive growth strategies for energy, finance, and trade. Jane’s work focuses on advancing practical solutions to address environmental, regulatory, and security concerns. With more than 20 years of project leadership experience in the United States and Canada, Jane has developed critical skills needed to leverage strategic partnerships, devise action frameworks, and measure and communicate outcomes. #canada-U.S. #ESG #research

René Drolet
René is an independent consultant who has been working in the field of environmental management and sustainable development for over 30 years. His main fields of expertise relate to public policy and regulatory analysis, with a focus on climate change (GHG emission reductions), air quality, water management, clean technology, and the transition to a low-carbon economy. #sustainability #policy #facilitation

Noah Arshinoff
Noah Arshinoff is a lawyer, consultant, and adjunct professor with over a decade of experience in the field of anti-corruption and how it intersects with international trade and environmental policy. He has developed regulatory frameworks around the world to tackle anti-corruption issues, advocated for transparency in supply chains, researched how money laundering presents itself in environmental crimes, and designed and delivered courses on how to detect, deter and thwart corruption in a variety of sectors. #anticorruption #environmentalcrime #research

Daniela Ramirez
Research Assistant
Daniela is a multidisciplinary researcher with experience collaborating with organizations to develop climate change solutions. Her areas of specialization include international environmental policy, sustainable development, and the circular economy. Daniela is also a communications generalist with experience in grant and proposal writing. She proudly holds a bachelor’s degree in International Relations from the University of British Columbia. #sustainability #ESG #research